Choose only superior quality, self-watering pots which include a water indicator, rock-like substrate and water reservoir to make watering your plants easy and less frequent. These German-made plant pots allow you to take the guesswork out of watering, and offer better plant growth. The larger pots have drain plugs so they can be used outdoors. Many of these styles are in stock, inquire today for pricing!

Green up your office space

Green up your office space

Each pot comes with pot, liner and substrate.

Each pot comes with pot, liner and substrate.

Delta 10 rectangular pots great for window ledges

Delta 10 rectangular pots great for window ledges

Puro pots - perfect for orchids or houseplants

Puro pots - perfect for orchids or houseplants

Sub-irrigation system can take care of your plants for up to 8 weeks!

Sub-irrigation system can take care of your plants for up to 8 weeks!

Retail customers spend up to 25% more when greenery is present

Retail customers spend up to 25% more when greenery is present

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